DCL MS. C.III.9Canon law texts
Held by: Durham Cathedral Library: Durham Cathedral Manuscripts

A composite volume of four sections: (A) f.1-4 and 280-284; (B) f.5-12; (C) f.13-261; (D) f.[262], 263-279. The content-list by Thomas Swalwell, written on f.12v (the final leaf of B) and itemising (C) and (D) indicates that these three parts were associated with each other by about 1500 at the latest. The date at which (A) was added as the endleaves for the volume is unclear.

Digitised: https://n2t.durham.ac.uk/ark:/32150/t2mb2773v78q.html

Physical description of manuscript


Extent: i+289+i f
Size: 330 mm x 205 mm


Modern pencil foliation, running 1-71, 71*- 259, then four unnumbered leaves, then 260-289.

Secundo folio: .xc vi.d.b[e]n[e]

Standard Tuckett binding, mid 19th century full brown calf over thick wooden boards (Charles Tuckett, binder to the British Museum, rebound many Durham manuscripts in the 19th century). Extensive staining on f.1, 283 and 284 preserves impressions from the turn-overs of an earlier binding, plus on f.1r faint impressions of a couple of the channels in the front-board.

Manuscript history

Inscriptions: “Liber Magistri Henrici de [*?*] lx.s.”, earlier 14th century, f.13r top. “o [*>O –erasure-]”, 15th century, “Innocencius super decretales –erasure-”, early 15th century, f.13r top. “Liber Roberti Westmerland Monachi dunelm”, early 15th century, f.13r top. Robert Westmorland, monk of Durham 1428-1448. “de Registro domini priori”, 15/16th century, f.13r, top. “De Registro domini prioris dunelm”, contents list (itemising (c) and (d)) and “.oO.”, 15/16th century, by Thomas Swalwell, f.12v. Thomas Swalwell, monk of Durham c.1483-1539.

Physical description of section of manuscript



Original structure uncertain; now stitched and glued to each other at the gutter.

Condition of manuscriptCut down to serve as endleaves, with cropping of some line ends (f.283-4 cut down more severely than the rest - to 305 x 190 mm). Losses from, and severe damage to, surfaces of 1-2, 283-4 from reuse as pastedowns.

Text-block: variable, 270-235 x 170-153 mm. 50-57 lines (space, 5 mm; height of minims, 2-3 mm).


Written in Anglicana by a single scribe.


Each entry headed by 2-3 line-high initial, alternately red flourished in blue then vice versa; the quality of flourishing elementary.

History of section of manuscript

Written in England, 14th century.

Manuscript contents
(a)     f.1-4 and 280-284
Original title: Chronicon pontificum et imperatorum
Author: Martinus, Polonus, ?-1279
Language: Latin

Leaves from a copy in which the accounts of popes and emperors originally faced each other on, respectively, the versos and rectos of a given opening. Nota marks apparently copied as part of original transcription.

Physical description of section of manuscript





Written area: 248 x 148 mm. 70 lines (space, 4 mm; height of minims, 1.5 mm) in two columns (width: 66 mm).


Written in Textura rotunda, one hand. Glossed in an informal cursive, probably a single hand, contemporary with the main text.


Two chapter divisions are marked by a penwork initial, 2 lines high, flourished in red.

History of section of manuscript

Written in Italy, 13/14th century.

Manuscript contents
(b)     f.5-12
Modern title: Canon law commentaries
Language: Latin

Paragraphs of commentary in four books, numbered I-III, V, with blank pages after each

Physical description of section of manuscript



I-VII12, VIII3 (=4 with 4 cancelled), IX-XIII12, XIV2, XV-XVII12, XIX10, XX-XXIII12, XXIV11 (=10+1) The short quires (VIII, XIV, and XIX) are curtailed to coincide with the ends of Books I-III.

Catchwords: Contemporary catchwords (generally in a red box) on all quires except those at the end of a Book (VIII, XIV, XIX, XX)

Text-Block: 250 x 150 mm. 70 lines (space, 3.5 mm; height of minims, 1.5 mm) in two columns (width: 68 mm). (f.215v-218v have 73-76 lines).


Written in Textualis rotunda, clear but not particularly regular by five scribes. The writing on several pages was retraced to a greater or lesser extent at an early date. There are pecia notes at the end of each book: f.98r (‘in libro isto p’. xx/iiii [=?20x4] folia & ?iv.’ [the stint of scribe 1]); f.159v (‘in hoc libro, sunt lx folia & ii’: the stint of scribe 2); f.206r (‘ in hoc libro sunt xlvi folia’: scribe 3’s first stint); f.261r (‘h’ xlii folia’: scribe 3’s second stint).


Book I, II, IV and V are headed by a red and blue initials, 4+ lines high, flourished in both colours; for I, II and V the flourishing continues as red and blue penwork waterfalls extending along the top and inner margins. Chapters (and Book III) are headed by blue initials, 3+ lines high, flourished in red; subsections are marked by blue paraphs.

History of section of manuscript

Written in Italy, 13/14th century.

Manuscript contents
(c)     f.13r-261r
Original title: Apparatus in quinque libros Decretalium Gregorii IX
Author: Innocent IV, Pope, approximately 1200-1254
Incipit: Legitur in Ezechiele uenter tuus comedet et uiscera tua complebuntur
Rubric: Incipit primus Liber apparatus Innocencii pape quarci super decretalibus compositus
Language: Latin

Book I: f.13r-98v (last 18 lines of col. ii, blank); Book II f.99r-159v, with a major omission supplied on f.160r (f.160v, blank); Book III f.161r-206r (most of f.206r, col. ii and all of f.206v, blank); Book IV f.207r-215r.

It is followed on f.215v-218v by supplementary tracts (these pages distinguished by additional prickings, a higher line count, and their own scribe (scribe 5))
f.215v: Egregie subtilitatis uiro domino martino de ancio iuris perito honorabili iudici et assessori ciuitatis … cum legibus sequentibus. Explicit tractatus de summaria cognicione.
f.216v: [Raynaldus Mororius de Secia] Ad instanciam motus quorundam sociorum meorum in iure canonico studencium, dum coram studens neapoli in iure ciuile. Ego raynaldus de socia frater interdictis breuem et utilem intendo tradere doctrinam … Et predicta suciant breuitatis causa fuisse et esse dicta. Raynaldus Mororius de Secia
f.217r: Super C extra, de probatur; quoniam contra falsam opponuntur inter cetera et …. cum aliis finibus Raynaldus de Secia
f.218v: In infrascripta questione queritur quid sit iuris … ex eadem radice nascitur, consequens est ut una et eadem lege tollatur, ut c de nupt. l, si, liberam, et ?7, 9, 1 sic ait christus.

Book V f.219 r-259v (then four blank, unnumbered leaves which are conjoint with f.256-259) and 260r-261r (261v, blank). Extensive early annotation throughout by several hands, including much flagging of themes and phrases, nota marks (including crudely-sketched faces), and the insertion of ordinary ink paraphs into the text; some of the marginalia is boxed in red.

Physical description of section of manuscript



I (fols. 263-270)8, II (fols. 271-278)8. The association of f.262 with the rest of this section is indicated by the fact that it has the same pattern of prickings as the other leaves; and it may be conjoint with 279 (currently impossible to verify).


Text-block 255 x 145 mm. 76 lines (space, 3 mm; height of minms 1+ mm) in two columns (width: 64 mm).


Written in Textualis Rotunda by one hand.


Text headed by 6-line-high red initial with simple openwork patterning. Spaces reserved for the initials to remaining books.

History of section of manuscript

Written in Italy, 13/14th century.

Manuscript contents
(d)     f.262r
Modern title: Cautiones
Language: Latin

Additions to originally blank front-leaf. A deleted cautio of 1325 records a deposit by ‘[N.ch... de Luceby]’, and Lusby also seems to be named in two other deleted cautiones, of 1327 and 1328, before he became a Durham monk c. 1328: ‘[Caucio M Thome de Lund Monachi Dunelmie exposita domino Willelmo de ..ysw..d precentore Osneye pro prima parte scripti Augustini super psalterium in vigilia sancti Dionisii Anno domini Mo CCC. xxx]’. Further cautiones record deposits in 1337 and 1338, both ‘tradatur alicui Monacho Donelmie’; in 1339 by Mr Nicholas of Lusby and William [of Haltwhistle] ‘supplementum videlicet epistolas S. Pauli’; in 1340 with names lost ‘supplementum videlicet Augustini de ciuitate dei’; and in 1341 by Mr N[...] and William of [Haltwhistle] ‘suplementum videlicet librum Augustini de ciuitate dei et tradatur alicui Monacho Dunolm’. Nicholas of Lusby monk of Durham c.1328-1349; Thomas Lund, monk of Durham c.1309-1349x50; William of Haltwhistle, monk of Durham c.1325-1348 (DLV, C.857, C.816, C.851). f.262v, blank.

(e)     f.263r-279v
Original title: Margarita
Author: Bernard, of Compostella, -1267
Incipit: Firmiter credimus. Qui tenentur articulos fidei explicite credere uel implicite
Explicit: In quibus casibus fallit hec regula omnes res et cetera. Deo Gratias
Rubric: De summa trinitate et fide catholica
Language: Latin

An index to Innocent’s Apparatus (C) above.

Microfilmed in 1985/86 by the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, St John's Abbey and University, Collegeville, Minnesota. Copies held by them and Durham Cathedral Library.

Digitised material for Durham Cathedral Library MS C.III.9 - Canon law texts
Digitised May 2018 as part of the Durham Priory Library Recreated project


Catalogi veteres librorum Ecclesiae cathedralis dunelm. Catalogues of the library of Durham cathedral, at various periods, from the conquest to the dissolution, including catalogues of the library of the abbey of Hulne, and of the mss.   OCLC citation, Surtees Society 7, (London: J.B. Nichols and Son, [1838]).

Index terms