DCL MS. A.III.12Robert Grosseteste, Theological works
Held by: Durham Cathedral Library: Durham Cathedral Manuscripts

A composite volume of nine parts, including a significant collection of theological works by Robert Grosseteste: (A) f.2-37; (B) f.38-48; (C) f.50-57; (D) f.59-69 with 49+58; (E) f.70-77; (F) f.78-144; (G) f.145-184; (H) f.185-193, 220-223; (I) f.194-219. That all the parts were together by about 1300 is demonstrated by the contents list on f.1v.

Digitised: https://n2t.durham.ac.uk/ark:/32150/t1m9593tv186.html

Physical description of manuscript


Extent: ii+223+i f
Size: 335 mm x 220 mm


Modern foliation in ink and pencil: 1-138, 138*-223

Secundo folio: ponunt

Condition of manuscriptFire and liquid damage (after Rud’s time) to the upper margin of the first 57 leaves, with some loss of text.
Corrections and annotation


Standard Tuckett binding, mid 19th century full brown calf over thick wooden boards (Charles Tuckett, binder to the British Museum, rebound many Durham manuscripts in the 19th century)

Manuscript history

Notes added informally to (F) show that, no later than February 1232, this section belonged to a person connected with London and South Wales.
Inscription: Liber Sancti Cuthberti ex dono Bertrami de Midiltona prioris Dunelm' (Prior of Durham 1244-58) plus contents list, 13th/14th century, f.1v
Pressmarks: G - deleted, later 14th century, f.2r, top right. De le Spendment Dunelm G. ijo fo ponunt, early 14th century, f.2r, top left. 2a 6ti F, 15th century, f.2r, top right.

Physical description of section of manuscript


Extent: 36 f


Foliation in red Arabic numerals 2-32 on 2-37 (omitting the small leaves 29-30 and 35-6)


I-III8, IV12 (f.26-37, a quaternion, after leaves 3 and 7 of which four smaller leaves were inserted [now f.29-30 and 35-36], the first pair certainly, the second pair probably a bifolium)


Written in Textualis libraria by two scribes and marginalia by a third hand (the main annotating hand).

History of section of manuscript

Written in England, early 13th century.

Manuscript contents
(a)     f.2r-14r
Original title: Commentarius in Psalmos I-C
Author: Grosseteste, Robert, 1175-1253
Incipit: Psalmorum liber grece Psalterium, Ebraice nabulo, Latine organum dicitur, vocatus est autem libre psalmorum
Explicit: vera virtus non est. Quid autem mirum si in anima que non informatur a deo vera virtus non sit
Language: Latin

Incorporates nearly 40 Dicta

Cited: Thomson, p.16;75-6
(b)     f.14v-15v
Original title: Dicta
Author: Grosseteste, Robert, 1175-1253
Language: Latin

Dicta 95, 96 (with three diagrams showing the irradiation of virtues, the first centred on ‘Bona voluntas’, the second on ‘Amor ordinatus’, the third ‘Textura irradiacionis uirtutum cuius pulchritudo hac figura describitur’), 36

Cited: Thomson, p.180
(c)     f.15v-17v
Original title: Sermons, etc.
Author: Grosseteste, Robert, 1175-1253
Language: Latin

Items 1-5: sermones 88-92; item 6: etymological note; item 7 an incomplete version of the text found in full on f.78r.

Cited: Thomson, p.182;148
(d)     f.18r-34v
Modern title: Anonymous Commentary on Psalms 48-72
Language: Latin

Incomplete text at start and end. No correspondences with Grosseteste’s psalm commentary.

Cited: Thomson, p.182;148
(e)     f.34v-37v
Modern title: Anonymous Commentary on Romans, Psalms 117 and 118, and I Corinthians
Language: Latin

Incomplete text at start and end. No correspondences with Grosseteste’s psalm commentary.

Cited: Thomson, p.182;148

Physical description of section of manuscript


Extent: 11 f
Size: 318 mm x 214 mm


Foliation in Arabic numerals, 1-11 (the start of a series that continues to 105 on f.144)


Collation: I8, II3 (= 6 with leaves 4-6 [blank] cancelled)

Signatures: Contemporary signature on quire I.

65-67 lines in two columns


Written in Textualis libraria by one scribe with marginalia by a second hand (the main annotating hand).

History of section of manuscript

Written in England, early 13th century.

Manuscript contents
(f)     f.38r-39r
Original title: De effectibus virtutum
Author: Grosseteste, Robert, 1175-1253
Incipit: Nichil fit in terra sine causa dicit Iob v, et ita omne quod fit propter aliquid
Explicit: gracia principium omnium subiectorum fides
Language: Latin

Sometimes attributed to but probably not by Grosseteste.

Cited: Thomson, p.236
(g)     f.39v-41r
Modern title: Distinctiones on Virtues and Vices
Incipit: Contemplativa cuius actus contemplacio cuius partes
Explicit: Ex corruptione – Desperatio et pene omnes infernales
Language: Latin
(h)     f.41r-48v
Original title: De aversione a summo bono
Author: Grosseteste, Robert, 1175-1253
Incipit: Primum in via mali est actualis quersio a summo bono quod patet per rationem peccati
Language: Latin

Break off incomplete. Sometimes attributed to but probably not by Grosseteste.

Cited: Thomson, p.235-6

Physical description of section of manuscript


Extent: 8 f
Size: 315 mm x 190 mm


Numbered 12-19 in an earlier foliation




Two columns, up to 90 lines


Written in Textualis librariaSection 1 comprises entries by scribe 1. These were augmented in the margins, and then continued (Section 2) by scribe 2 (the main annotating hand), scribe 1 making a brief reappearance on f.54r.

History of section of manuscript

Written in England, early 13th century.

Manuscript contents
(i)     f.50r-55v
Modern title: Theological Distinctiones and Notes
Incipit: Caro est nomen substantie, aliquando
Explicit: compassio – infectione aliorum
Language: Latin
(j)     f.55v-57r
Original title: De libero arbitrio
Author: Grosseteste, Robert, 1175-1253
Incipit: Queritur de libero arbitrio. Primo an sit: quidam enim sic negant librium arbitrium ut audeant excusare peccatum
Language: Latin

Incomplete version of the second recension of this text.

Cited: Thomson no. 35, p.91

Physical description of section of manuscript


Extent: i+12 f

Four distinct elements: (1) an 18th century paper slip (unfoliated) bearing notes on content, 138 x 60 mm; (2) a parchment part-leaf (f.58), the lower half of which is now bound in separately (and sideways) as f.49, (in the early 18th century f.49 and 58 were still one single, long thin leaf 345 x 130 mm (described in the medieval contents list as Quedam questio in quodam rotulo) preceding f.59, and were presumably bound thus by Tucketts. (1) and (2) are both prefixed to (3) a parchment singleton and a bifolium (f.58, 59+69 – probably originally two bifolia, the final leaf [probably blank, conjoint with 58] cancelled), within which is (4) a parchment quaternion (f.61-68); f.59-69 bear an older foliation 20-29.


Written in textualis libraria documentary cursive hands

History of section of manuscript

Written in England, early 13th century.

Manuscript contents
(insertion)     f.57*
Date: 18th century

Inserted slip with notes on contents of this section.

(k)     f.58r
Modern title: Question about Sin
Incipit: Quod nullum peccatum sit nature consentaneum videtur posse probari tum auctoriate tum ratione
Explicit: peccatum non est emendatio nature sed corruptio uoluntatis
Language: Latin
(l)     f.58r & 49r
Modern title: Meditations
Author: Jean, de Fécamp, -1078
Incipit: Leo pape in oratione quam fecit ad dominum Dicit, Cum advocabis celum
Language: Latin
Language: Middle English

Four pieces, the first three from Fécamp, chapters 4 and 6, the fourth a Middle English version of (3). f.49v blank.

Edited: (4) Brown 1924, item 1
(m)     f.59r-60v
Modern title: Sermon (Ezechiel xxxvi) for Feast of Mary Magdalene
Incipit: Cum quamlibet sollepnitatem pium sit colere, precipue cum illorum festa sanctorum colanda sunt quorum vita et conversatio in euuangeliis comendantur
Explicit: prestante ortolano nostro iesu christo, qui cum patre etc.
Language: Latin

Remainder of f.60v and all of f.69 are blank.

Cited: Thomson p.16
(n)     f.61r-63v
Modern title: Sermon (Ezechiel 1.26) for Feast of Assumption
Incipit: Qui aurum effodiunt vel argentum
Explicit: homo desuper filius eius qui nos ad celestia regna perducit, amen
Language: Latin
(o)     f.63v-67r
Modern title: Biblical and Patristic Sententiae
Language: Latin

On f64r-v, 66v and 67r, the relevant Biblical Books are named in the margins. Most of f.67r and all of 67v-69v are blank

Physical description of section of manuscript


Extent: 8 f
Size: 350 mm x 202 mm



59 lines in two columns


Written in protogothic

History of section of manuscript

Written in England or France, later 12th century.

Manuscript contents
(p)     f.70-77
Modern title: Theological Questions
Language: Latin

Breaks off incomplete

Cited: Thomson p.17

Physical description of section of manuscript


Extent: 68 f
Size: 335 mm x 220 mm


Modern foliation in ink: 38-105


Composed of at least three coeval, matching sections: (1) f.78-87 (quire I); (2) f.88-103 (quires II-III); (3) f.104-127 (quires IV-VI); and (4) f.128-144 (quires VII-VIII). The first quire of section (1) breaks off incomplete, indicating that a further quire (or more) has been lost after f.87. Section (3) is itself subdivisible by quire.

I10, II-VI8, VII10, VIII8


65-6 lines in two columns


Written in Textualis libraria by six hands and the main annotating hand.

History of section of manuscript

Written in England, early 13th century.


Notes added to margins of f.121r, 122r, 130r and 137v record expenses for journeying between London and South Wales, loans, purchases by the Chapter of Llandaff, and a major penance imposed on 27 Feb 1231/2. These are transcribed in Hunt 1955, p.138-40.

Manuscript contents
(q)     f.78r-87v
Modern title: Sermons
Author: Grosseteste, Robert, 1175-1253
Language: Latin

34 sermons/dicta

Cited: Thomson p.183-6
(r)     f.88r-103v
Modern title: Sermons
Author: Jordan, von Quedlinburg, approximately 1299-1380
Language: Latin

25 sermons, mostly attributed to Jordan of Saxony

(s)     f.104r-127v
Modern title: Sermons
Author: Grosseteste, Robert, 1175-1253
Language: Latin

44 sermons

Cited: Thomson, nos. 34-75, p.182-6
(s)     f.110v-111v
Modern title: Notes
Author: Grosseteste, Robert, 1175-1253
Language: Latin

Notes on Gospel texts, inserted between sermons 10 (43) and 11 (44) in (s)

Cited: Thomson, nos. 34-43, p.182-6
(t)     f.122r
Modern title: Notes on Ave gratia plena
Language: Latin
(u)     f.128r-136v
Original title: Allegoriae Novi Testamenti
Author: Pseudo-Hugh of Saint-Victor
Incipit: Primi parentes humani generis per culpam primam
Explicit: Sed postquam nouum, id est culpe gratiam anteponit, quam largitur inmutabiliter summe bonus deus conversatur et non peribit
Rubric: Incipiunt allegorie novi testamenti
Language: Latin

Preface and 71 sections

(v)     f.136v-138v
Original title: Admonitio ad filium spiritualem
Author: Pseudo-Basil (?Porcarius of Lérins)
Incipit: Audi filii admonicionem patris tui. Incline aurem tuam ad mea verba, et accomoda michi libenter auditum tuum
Explicit: nec in cor hominis ascendit que preparauit deus diligentibus se
Language: Latin
(w)     f.138v-138*r
Modern title: Sermon
Incipit: Tres infelices leguntur in lege, qui nescit et non interrogat, qui scit et non docet, qui docet et non facit
Explicit: Sed lux lucida et securitas sempiterna et presencia patris et filii et spiritus sanctus in seculo seculorum amen
Language: Latin
(x)     f.138*r-144v
Modern title: Sermons
Author: John Halgrin of Abbeville
Language: Latin

9 sermons

Physical description of section of manuscript


Extent: 40 f
Size: 312 mm x 210 mm

I-III8, IV12 (= an original 8 (now 169-173, 178-180), with a 4 (f.174-177) inserted after leaf 5), V4


Written in Textualis libraria

History of section of manuscript

Written in early 13th century.

Manuscript contents
(y)     f.145r-184v
Original title: Concordantiae morales Bibliorum
Author: Pseudo-Antony of Padua
Language: Latin

Physical description of section of manuscript


Extent: 11 f
Size: 322 mm x 245 mm


Modern foliation in ink: 106-114, 140-143


I(185-189)5 (= 8 with leaves 6-8 [blank], cancelled), II(190-193)4, III(220-223)4 (=8 lacks leaves 5-8)


66 lines in two columns


Written in Textualis libraria by 3 or 4 hands

History of section of manuscript

Written in early 13th century.

Manuscript contents
(z)     f.185r-189v
Original title: In Ecclesiasticum
Author: Langton, Stephen, -1228
Language: Latin

Incomplete, covers 1.1-11.4.

(aa)     f.190r-193v
Original title: In Exodum
Author: Langton, Stephen, -1228
Language: Latin

Incomplete, on 16.23-21.24 only.

(ab)     f.220r-222r
Original title: In Ecclesiasten
Author: Langton, Stephen, -1228
Language: Latin

Incomplete, on 9.16-10.1 only.

(ac)     f.222r-223v
Original title: In Sapientiam
Author: Langton, Stephen, -1228
Language: Latin

Incomplete, on 1.1-4.2 only.

Physical description of section of manuscript


Extent: 26 f
Size: 318 mm x 208 mm

I10, II12, III4 (= 6 with leaves 5-6 [blank] cancelled)


52 lines in two columns


Written in Textualis semi-quadrata by one scribe


Space left for section initials, but not used.

History of section of manuscript

Written in early 13th century.

Manuscript contents
(ad)     f.194r-219v
Original title: Summa de poenitentia
Author: Raymond, of Peñafort, Saint, 1175?-1275
Language: Latin

Incomplete: Book III, titulus 17 to end of Book III

Microfilmed in 1985/86 by the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, St John's Abbey and University, Collegeville, Minnesota. Copies held by them and Durham Cathedral Library.

Digitised material for Durham Cathedral Library MS. A.III.12 - Robert Grosseteste, theological works
Digitised August 2017 as part of the Durham Priory Library Recreated project


Brown, C., ed., Religious lyrics of the 14th century   OCLC citation (Oxford: OUP, 1924)

Hunt, R.W., "The library of Robert Grosseteste", in Callus, D.A., Robert Grosseteste, Scholar and Bishop. Essays in commemoration of the seventh centenary of his death (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1955), 121-145

Catalogi veteres librorum Ecclesiae cathedralis dunelm. Catalogues of the library of Durham cathedral, at various periods, from the conquest to the dissolution, including catalogues of the library of the abbey of Hulne, and of the mss.   OCLC citation, Surtees Society 7, (London: J.B. Nichols and Son, [1838]).

Thomson, S.H., The writings of Robert Grosseteste, Bishop of Lincoln 1235-1253   OCLC citation (Cambridge: CUP, 1940)

Mynors, R.A.B., Durham Cathedral manuscripts to the end of the twelfth century. Ten plates in colour and forty-seven in monochrome. With an introduction [including a list of all known Durham manuscripts before 1200]   OCLC citation, (Durham: 1939)

Index terms