DCL MS. C.I.9Gregory IX, Liber Extra; Innocent IV, Novellae constitutiones etc.
Held by: Durham Cathedral Library: Durham Cathedral Manuscripts

Gregory IX, Liber Extra; Innocent IV, Novellae constitutiones etc. Legal texts written in northern Italy (Bologna or Padua) in the late 13th century (not before 1280)

Digitised: https://n2t.durham.ac.uk/ark:/32150/t2m5138jf02f.html

Physical description of manuscript

Parchment: relatively even toned with noticeable follicle marks. Arranged FH, HF.

Extent: i+351+i f
Size: 460 mm x 280 mm


Modern pencil foliation: 1-157, 157bis-350.

Secundo folio: missing

bifolium reused as a flyleaf, f.2-13 uncertain, 2-5 being glued together at the gutter, probably: I (fols. 2-3)2, II (4-13, all but a stub of 4 being lost)10, II-XVI10, XVII4, XVIII-XXV10, XXVII12, XXVII9 (=10 lacks leaf 1); XXVIII-XXXI10, XXXII8, XXXIII8, XXXIV7 (=8 with leaf 8 (after 320) lost or cancelled), XXXV-XXXVI12, XXXVII6 (=12 with leaves 7-12 cancelled)

Catchwords: Contemporary catchwords on all quires bar XVII, XXXIII, XXXIV (whose last leaf is lost or cancelled) and XXXVII. The catchword for quire VIII is presented within the drawing of a hybrid.
Signatures: Quires III-VII and XVIII-XIX, signature accompanied by the drawing of a creature (fish, bird, dragon, hybrid, hybrid, dragon; rabbit, stork) which is repeated (in mirror image) on the first page of the following quire. Leaf numbering in the first half of most quires.

Condition of manuscriptFirst and last leaves weathered and stained; top and bottom thirds of f.157bis excised; f.223 damaged by liquid. A note on f.53v refers to the loss of a part: ‘in isto perdita est una cedula in med'’, immediately below which is the deleted note, ‘in ista dep' xxii-?-’. Erasures at corresponding areas on other quires suggest that there were once similar notes there too.

Written area: variable. Text and apparatus up to 400 x 256 mm; main text up to 232 x 126 mm. Two columns (width: 120 m for gloss; 58 mm for main text). Lines: variable up to 44 for main text (space, 5 mm; height of minims, 3+ mm), up to 96 for apparatus (space, 4 mm; height of minims, 2+ mm).


Quire structure, catchwords and blank pages suggest that the volume was produced in three or four coeval sections: f.2-157; 157bis-248 + 249-305; 306-320; and 321-350 corresponding to: (b) Books I-II; (b) Books III-IV + Book V; (c); and (d)-(h).

Written in Textualis rotunda (Littera bononiensis) for main text and apparatus. One hand was responsible for 1r-305r. The script of f.306r-350r plus an insertion on f.305r, subtly different in manner and distinguished by a preference for round-headed “g” (as opposed to the flat-topped one that predominates to f.305r), may represent a different phase of work by the same hand but might conceivably be the stint of a closely-related second hand. The (main) scribe is named as Symon in notes on the first rectos of quires IX, X, XIII and XXXI. Pecia notes (e.g. ‘lxvi’ on f.43v; ‘lxxxiii’ on f.73v; ‘x in G iii in t’ on f.332v.

Notes on the final versos of quires, lower margin, refer to the correction of text and apparatus and sometimes also to the checking of the corrections. The name of the corrector (often abbreviated to ‘Th’) is given in full on f.113v, 133v and 217r: ‘ipsius tomaxini de strata sancti vitalis’. A deleted note immediately below this names a certain ‘Cambius’; the rest is difficult to decipher.


Extensive decoration.


Standard Tuckett binding, mid 19th century full brown calf over thick wooden boards (Charles Tuckett, binder to the British Museum, rebound many Durham manuscripts in the 19th century). Stains from turnovers of an earlier binding on f.1.

Manuscript history

Written in Italy, north (Bologna or Padua), late 13th century (not before 1280).


Still in northern Italy when item (b) was annotated.
Inscription, f.217r, lower margin: “Decretales magistri Thomaxini eiusdem” (?implying that it belonged to the corrector). “iste liber -?- -?- priore -?- insula. scilicet henrici ?riccardi -?- et io-?-? trium fratrum” (erased with parts further concealed by subsequent staining), 13th/14th century, f.2r, top; cf. DCL MS C.I.4 f.2 and DCL MS C.I.12, f.286v. “Iste liber legatus ?erat per dominum ?v- [-?further words-] et eis tradatur” (erased), 13th/14th century, f.2r. Cf. DCL MS C.I.4. Other inscription(s), entirely erased and currently irrecoverable, originally stood between these two, and may also have related to early ownership.
f.74r, col. 2, bottom: a 6-line addition to the gloss by “W de daltona”, i.e. William de Daltona, monk of Durham from 1420.
Note of content, 15th/16th century, by Thomas Swalwell, monk of Durham c.1483-1539, f.3r, top (largely lost owing to excision: all that remains is ‘Contenta//’). Also perhaps responsible for copying tituli rubrics into the upper margin on f.60r.

Manuscript contents
(a)     f.2r-3r
Modern title: Additions (13th-15th century)
Language: Latin

(1) f.2r. Form letter addressed to a Pope. Sanctissimo patri in christo et domino reuerentissimo dei prouidentia sacrosancte romane ecclesie summo pontifici suus deuotus etc cum omni reverentia et honore pedum oscula beatorum. H inpetrandum et contradicendum iudices eligendos et in loca ... aliquod signum autenticum apponi isti procuratoris [-damaged-] nomine procuratoris prout videritis conuenire. Documentary hand, grand, later 13th century.
(2) f.2r. A series of notes on ecclesiastical matters, starting with excommunication for sacrilege. Densely written; highly abbreviated. Some citation of book and chapter numbers plus mention of gloss, presumably with reference to items (b)-(h); informal cursive, later 13th / start of 14th century.
(3). f.2v. Listing of the Tituli in (b), Tetualis semi-quadrata,15th century.
(4). f.3r. Three lists of topics, casually jotted, the first with some book references. Super c dei ex litteris, liber vj de p′ml′ ... Informal cursive, compact, 13th/14th century

(b)     f.3v-305r
Modern title: Liber Extra with Glossa ordinaria of Bernard of Parma
Author: Gregory IX, Pope, approximately 1170-1241
Bottoni, Bernardo, -1266
Explicit: Indignum est et a romane ecclesie consuetudine alienum ut pro spiritualibus facere quis homagium compellatur. Explicit liber decretalium
Language: Latin

Lacks start of prefatory letter owing to excision of the top of f.3v; lacks start of Book I owing to loss of all but a stub of f.4 (now starts within Titulus 1, ch. 2: CIC, col. 6). Books I and II are presented as a self-contained Pars prima with its own explicit on f.157r, 157v being left blank. The start of Book III (f.157bisr) is mutilated and lacunose until Titulus 1, ch. 12, end (CIC , col. 452). The start of Book V has been excised (the leaf lost after f.248) and it now commences with “uoluerunt eis de iuris permissione id non duximus imputandum” in titulus 1, ch. 14 (CIC , col. 736). f.305v, blank. Contemporary corrections and annotations, marginal and interlinear, in informal cursive hand(s) throughout. Notes between f.8v and 86v, written in a cursive hand, often cite canonists Lamb[ertus] and Tha[ddeus]; that on f.13v refers to the constitution “Pia” as being in the Liber Sextus and must therefore postdate 1298.

(c)     f.306r-320v
Modern title: Novellae constitutiones with glossa ordinaria of Bernard of Compostella junior
Author: Innocent IV, Pope, approximately 1200-1254
Bernard, of Compostella, -1267
Incipit: Innocentius IIII in concilio lugdunen′
Explicit: per declarationem autem huiusmodi nolumus aliis defensionibus seu iuribus partium derogari.

Light contemporary correction and annotation, marginal and interlinear, in informal cursive hand(s). Another copy of Durham provenance now Cambridge, Jesus College, Q.A.6 (6).

(d)     f.321r-329v
Modern title: Novissimae with gloss of Garcia Hispanus
Author: Gregory X, Pope, -1276
Johannes Garsias
Incipit: Gregorius episcopus seruus seruorum dei dilectis filiis uniuersitati magistrorum et scolarium parisiensium salutem
Explicit: ex tunc ab ea non possint nisi per sedem apostolicam absolutionis beneficium obtinere. Datur
Rubric: Incipiunt consitutiones gregorii pape x edite in generali concilio lugdunensi
Language: Latin

Corrections mainly in a smaller version of the main text hand

(e)     f.329v-332r
Original title: Constitutiones
Author: Urban IV, Pope, approximately 1200-1264
Incipit: Urbanus episcopus seruus seruorum dei
Explicit: ex tunc sciat se excommunicationis uinculo innodatum
Rubric: De electionibus et electi potestate
Language: Latin

With gloss for (d) continuing beside it to f.331v. The space for rubric on f.330r was overlooked; all other rubrics supplied.

(f)     f.332r-342r
Original title: Constitutiones
Author: Alexander IV, Pope, -1261
Incipit: Cum per illam generalem clausulam quidam alii
Explicit: possit quoquomodo peccatum ipsum percipi et conuinci uel auerti
Rubric: Incipiunt constitutiones edite a felicis recordationis alexandri pape iiii de rescriptis
Language: Latin

The space for rubrics on f.335v and f.341r remained blank; all other rubrics supplied. No gloss. No annotation.

(g)     f.342r-347v
Modern title: Constitutiones with gloss of Garcia Hispanus
Author: Nicholas III, Pope, -1280
Johannes Garsias
Incipit: Quia frequenter in electione summi pontificis columpna dei uiuentis tribulationis malleis concussa
Explicit: Nulli ergo omnino hominum liceat hanc nostre constitutionis paginam etc.
Rubric: Incipiunt constitutiones Nicolai de electione
Language: Latin

Issued 23 March 1280. No annotation.

(h)     f.347v-350r
Modern title: Constitutiones with gloss of Garcia Hispanus
Author: Clement IV, Pope, -1268
Johannes Garsias
Incipit: Clemens episcopus seruus seruorum dei ad perpetuam rei memoriam
Explicit: inanes et irritas decernimus ac nullius existere firmitatis
Rubric: Incipiunt constitutiones clementis iiii
Language: Latin

No annotation. f.350v, blank bar jotting.

SECTION: former pastedown
Physical description of section of manuscript

Parchment: modest quality with pronounced follicles.

Extent: 1 f
Size: 320 mm x 220 mm

Condition of manuscriptA bifolium, cut down, opened up and turned sideways; lifted, presumably by Tucketts, and its outer edge (originally the lower quarter of each page) folded over. Rubbed and stained on both sides with loss of text. Page cut down on all sides.

Written area (cropped at bottom): 298 x 200 mm. Two columns (90-98 mm). Lines 69-70 preserved. Pricking: lost. Ruling: none visible.


Written in Textualis libraria, highly abbreviated for the commentary; Textualis semi-quadrata for the lemmata; one hand.


Standard Tuckett binding, mid 19th century full brown calf over thick wooden boards (Charles Tuckett, binder to the British Museum, rebound many Durham manuscripts in the 19th century)

History of section of manuscript

Written in England or France, 13th century.


Possibly related to leaves in CDL MS C.II.18

Manuscript contents
(former pastedown)     f.1
Modern title: Biblical Commentary (fragment)
Language: Latin

Lemmata: (recto) Et ego cum uenissem ad uos fratres (I Corinthians 2.1); (verso) Et loquimur dei sapientiam (I Corinthians 2.7); (verso) Uidete enim uocationem uestram etc (I Corinthians 1.26). The commentary on the former begins Postquam apostolus o[stendi]t ex parte s′.

Microfilmed in 1985/86 by the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, St John's Abbey and University, Collegeville, Minnesota. Copies held by them and Durham Cathedral Library.

Digitised material for Durham Cathedral Library MS C.I.9 - Gregory IX, Liber Extra; Innocent IV, Novellae constitutiones etc.
Digitised January 2019 as part of the Durham Priory Library Recreated project. Due to the binding, there are many images throughout the volume with marginalia and text not visible in the image because they are too far into the gutter. f.4 has been lost apart from a small stub, which has been photographed inside a Secol pocket. There are two f.157r and f.157v. The second of each has had a cross (x) added to the foliator.


Bombi, B. "Codicological and Canonistic Examination of the Decretal Manuscripts Oxford, Bodl. Lat. theol. B.4 and Durham, Cathedral Library C.I.9", Decretales Pictae. Le miniature nei manoscritti delle Decretali di Gregorio IX (Liber Extra), Atti del colloquio internazionale tenuto all'Instituto Storico Germanico Roma 3-4 marzo 2010, ed. M. Bertram and S. di Paolo (Rome: DHI, 2012), 218-240

Index terms